"I overcame ADHD so can you!"
-End the overwhelm -Master Focus -Get tons more done! -Unleash your potential! |
Evidence Based with techniques that show near 30% reduction in ADHD symptoms with just 2.5 hours of training!
The POWER of ADHD Group Coaching is LIMITLESS Those local in Pittsburgh will find these Adult ADHD/ADD Mastery groups to be like GOLD and DIAMONDS to the Path of overcoming Adult ADHD/ADD and manifesting dreams! These groups go far beyond the typical Adult ADHD/ADD support group in Pittsburgh, and are designed to get you the result you need in your life fast and effectively! The groups are each tailored to a specific need within the Overcome ADHD Pittsburgh Community. We have identified these areas and present to you the following groups: 1.) Adult ADHD Pittsburgh Groups for Professionals/Executives 2.) Adult ADHD Pittsburgh Groups for Parents with kids labeled with ADHD 3.) Adult ADHD Pittsburgh Groups for Entrepreneurs/Business Owners 4.) ADHD Pittsburgh Groups for Students BE a part of the growing Overcome ADHD Pittsburgh Community and get in a group that fits your needs! Together WE CAN, Together WE WILL, Together WE DO, and Together WE ARE!!! Coaching CALLS will follow the same unique groups, but will be over the phone and be a global! The OVERCOME ADHD COMMUNITY is not limited by time or space!!! We will build a movement that is bigger than ourselves, and transcends the separation of each other. Get on calls to receive LOVE and WISDOM of your Mastery, ASK questions live and receive answers, and GROW Together as we Listen and share with others, and speak words of MASTERY to each other! |