"I overcame ADHD so can you!"
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How I overcame ADHD without medication!!
I am going to share with you how I have been able to completely overcome ADHD being over 14 years symptom and medication free! Before I do that, I want you to know that this isn’t some magic or that I am special. What I went through is a process. It is something that anyone can go through. This is a short summary of my journey that will help you see how you can do this too! To get the full version read the Overcome ADHD guidebook by signing up for the newsletters. I am going to jump right in and explain how treating and overcoming ADHD is possible for everyone. When I was a child…I was labeled with ADHD as early as 18 months, and I was put on medication. At that time I was having a lot of anger issues, and really messed up behavior. Unfortunately, that situation got only worse. From the ages of 2 to 8, I was labeled with 5 more labels, and placed on over 1,000 mg of medication, and was put in and out of hospitals, and with little hope. However, I had an intervention in my life. I had people that saw something in me at a time that I did not see anything in myself. These people believed in me at a time that I could not believe in myself. My mother, in particular, refused to accept that this is what the rest of my life would be like. I was miserable depressed, angry with myself, and I felt like the world was against me. So how did I get here? My mother did not know exactly how was she was going to do it, but she felt that if she could just get me grounded that it would make all the difference. In the end, she was right! There was a nature reserve near us and as I was growing up they would re-create how the indigenous natives would live. I grew up learning how to make tools, huts, and food. I spent hours upon hours in nature and I learned how to drum, and how to bring myself to this present moment. At the same time my brother was getting very much into meditation. He exposed my mother and me to various different techniques and practices. I grew up learning how to meditate as young as age 5 and I was exposed to different kinds of philosophies and spirituality. As time went on, I had other teachers and mentors that helped me to develop my mind. It was not at all easy and many times did I fall back and fall down. In fact, it got so bad at points that I really didn't want to be here anymore. But through it all my mother, father, brother, and other siblings all supported me. I read books that were probably well beyond my years, but they spoke to me in ways that no therapist or doctor ever could. I began to recognize the only way I was going to get help is if I began to help myself. I learned so many techniques and tools growing up but I still did not have the self-knowledge to see what it is I really need to understand. It became very clear one day as my father called me out on my own attachment and fears. He asked me what I say when people asked what's wrong if they saw me act out or breakdown. My reply was to say that I have ADHD or I am bipolar. He told me to never say that because that is all that I will ever see in myself. How right he was! I realized that I had accepted and bought into the identity of who I thought I was. I had spent a childhood practicing, meditating, and learning. Many of those times were very hard on my family and many times did I not want to be there causing them so much pain. I realized, however, in that moment that what my father was trying to tell me was that I was not bound by those experiences. I was not bound by those labels, or that narrative, and no matter what anyone said… I had free reign to determine what my life was going to be like! And so I did! I trained and I trained for hours and days on end. I worked on my mind, I worked on my fears, and I worked on my attachments to who I thought I was. 10 years of programming, of conditioning, of that voice telling myself who I was going to be was beginning to unravel it! It was invigorating, yet terrifying! Little by little, I begin to become alive again. I had to face my own fears, I had to face my own ego… because a part of me that believe that the situation I was in was how it was always going to be. I had to let go of all of my story… of everything! Time went by time, and yet it seemed like it stood still. There were many sleepless nights…and many struggles in my dreams. There were times when I didn't know if I can do it, and there were times that I felt like I can do anything! A childhood full of meditation and training came to one point..and one moment that would forever affect my life. It ultimately came down to one choice… which path to take! Should I go with what I always knew or with what I never could know? Should I take the familiar path even though it was tormenting or something that I had no idea about? I came down to one night… one dusk to dawn sitting by a tree all nighter! I was not going to leave it until I figured it out. I could no longer take it and so I made a choice! That choice is what has brought me here. It was a choice that I will write my own destiny, and I will never look back! And, so I did!!! Three years went by as I slowly got off the medication. I went to my therapist, to seek his explanation as 3 years went by and I was fine. In fact, I was fine better than fine!! I was alive! For the first time in 10 years… I was alive, and there was a great power within me!!! I didn’t know exactly what it was, but I knew it was a power that no one could take away from me no matter how hard they tried. The doctor could only explain that I somehow reprogramed my brain! That I literally change the brain structure of my mind. He and other doctors could not understand it, but they know I did it! That power to do that has been with me the rest of my life! It has been 14 years since those times and I am completely symptom medication free from all of it! Let me tell you that is not somehow but it is a how! It is how that I'm going to share with you and in everything that I do. You can learn to do it too! I promise you!! So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! To find out more information or to start this journey please sign up for the newsletter and read the guidebook to get going on your path towards ADHD Mastery!! Thank you Tom Menditto, ADHD Master Coach |