Module 2 ADHD/ADD Mastery of Emotional Balance The second module is Emotional Mastery. In looking for ways on how to help a child with ADD/ADHD or how to with adult ADD/ADHD, we have to look at often times the thing that tends to cause the most difficulty. This is most certainly learning how to control our emotions and find balance. With adult ADHD/ADD this is key and often overlooked, because a lot of our emotions come from how we react to our environment, and this simply adds more overstimulation to an already hypersensitivity to our surroundings.
Module Two builds Emotional Mastery by building on the foundation of learning how to get energy out and become centered, relaxed, and bring ourselves to this moment. It teaches you how to connect to your breath and really bring yourself into the now. We develop the ability to bring balance to our lives, because many times we're not grounded. Many of us do not live in the present moment as we allow our emotions to drive us on a roller coaster ride. If you're driving a car and someone cuts you off and you start freaking out, then you are reacting to it and are not present. Or if something happens and you lose something or all this stuff comes your way, then we get overwhelmed and emotional about it. Fear, stress, anxiety creep into our life, and we are definitely not grounded. Sometimes life can take us on a giant roller coaster ride if we let it, and that can make it very difficult to function. Sometimes we even let it get the better of us through anger or fear. All of that would not occur if we were grounded, and most important centered. Many think that Adult ADHD/ADD does not have this component, because they see kids being overly emotional and lashing out, but adults tend not to do that. This true in the sense that adults with ADHD don’t tend to physically lash out, but there is a lot of emotional stuff going on. Learning how to help with adult ADHD/ADD or how to help a child with ADD/ADHD is all about learning how to mastery these emotions. In this module we will develop the ability to really master these emotions, instead of them mastering you. First, to do this we have to learn to become aware of them, and I will show you tons of techniques on how to this and how I did it. This isn’t impossible, but it takes determination, and you can definitely do it. You have to be willing to let go of what may be familiar to you. Sometimes we get attached to emotions and ways of being that may not be good for us. You may know people that are angry all the time and you may feel that is toxic, but to them that is how they are. Whatever we get familiar to you is what we continue to create. It is important to be able to let go of how we feel, and understand that feels are just feelings. They come and they go. However, you center will remain! It is through this training that you will learn to experience the gamut of emotion without being attached to the way you feel, and being able to use feelings as a source of energy and motivation for your dreams. So, we will go through this process in letting go and getting centered to know that this too shall pass, and that we can have balance in our lives. I will show you how to conquer anger or fears, and use practices and training to be able to program this into your subconscious so it becomes habit. The first module was all about letting the energy out and getting ground, and this is the next step in that process of learning how to find center and use that center to be able to roll with the punches of life. It is all about being adaptable and learning not to react to things. This is the key to accessing your focus ability because the overwhelm affects your emotions and when you are overly emotional it is near impossible to get anything done. This process is how Adult ADHD/ADD can be overcome and mastered, and how we can help a child with ADD to overcome and master it as well! There are tons of techniques that I am going to show you on how to do this, and you can check out the next video on MODULE 3 for Focus Mastery! Book your session and unleash your potential!