Adult ADHD Symptoms and how to overcome them!
Adult ADHD Symptoms
There are many Adult ADHD symptoms that can be seen and are easy to identify. These include the following:
However, what is important here is that you do not identify with them. Tom, what the heck do you mean? Well, what I am saying is that this list of adult ADHD symptoms is the not the definition of who you are or what you are capable of. They are just a list of maybe some of the troubles that you are going through right now, but this can change. Well, your struggles are real there are also many other traits and characteristics of Adult ADHD that give you an edge. I will be writing an article on that soon. For now, it is important to understand what is behind Adult ADHD symptoms so that you can understand how to overcome them. Think about the emotional or mental state you often find yourself in as you deal with this daily struggle. Is it calm and relax? Or is it fully of emotional imbalance? In working with 100s of clients, and through my own journey, I have found that what is behind these Adult ADHD symptoms is actually something that most don’t even address. When I ask people how they feel day to day this seems to be what is behind the Adult ADHD Symptoms
Now, it is true that the symptoms can lead you to be overwhelmed as you fall behind, not grounded as your thoughts are racing, and emotionally imbalanced as you are frustrated. However, being hypersensitive is something else. It is that hypersensitivity to the world and your thoughts that leads one to not live in the present moment, to have racing thoughts, to be overwhelmed, to feel overloaded, to not be able to focus or getting anything done, and struggle daily with organization, and time issues. It is this aspect that is actually at the core of everything. Yet so few talk about it. This hypersensitivity can actually be mastered, and all the symptoms go away, and you are left with the essential skills and talents of being more perception, more attuned, more aware, hyper-focused, being able to be super creative, and be MEGA productive. If turning Adult ADHD Symptom into your Super Powers of being SUPER productive, generating more income, and living your dreams interests you, then please contact Coach Tom for a complimentary consultation. .Interested in Overcoming ADHD? Contact Tom to Request a Session.