Better Behavior at home and school Put an end to battles at home as your child will have more self control and improved behavior. You will have highly effective tools and methods to handle difficult situations to quickly diffuse them, and bring about more peace. This will also translate to better behavior at school as your child will be able to control impulses that otherwise lead them to get into trouble. Many of these challenging situations can be a thing of the past, and you will be confident that your child can handle themselves appropriately at home, in school, with their friends, and also independently in their future. Emotionally Balanced Your child will have a level of emotional mastery and control that will be key to their success in the future. They will know how to process and express emotions in a healthy way, and to identify when they are getting deeply emotionally triggered. Your child will learn how to prevent themselves from going down an emotional spiral, and how to find a place of balance with their emotions. This will help them tremendously in being able to master focus, and also to build their self confidence in the long term. You will not have to worry about them falling into depressions or being overwhelmed by paralyzing anxiety in their life as this skill of emotional balancing will be a guiding force to help them find inner peace throughout the rest of their lives. Focus Mastery and High Level of Concentration No longer will you have to watch your child fall behind or get frustrated day after day from focus issues and concentration challenges. Your child will learn how to master their focus, and be able to follow through with homework, chores, daily routines, activities, social events, and pursuing their own passions. They will have access to their hyper-focus abilities, and be able to have the self discipline to apply their focus with control and understanding of their responsibilities. This skill will stay with them the rest of their lives, and come in handy when learning to drive, in their higher education, in their future careers, and throughout their whole life. Improved Grades and School Performance One of the side effects of my work to help your child master and truly love themselves is improved grade performance at school. They will have the tools necessary to emotionally handle the pressures at school, and have the self discipline to get what they need to get done. This translates into higher grade performance, but also better enjoyment of their education. They will understand how they learn best, and how to use knowledge to really unlock their potential. Say goodbye to the days of having to chase them down to make sure they got all their homework done, and also to the many times when you worried about how they would do in higher education or in their future career. Their focus mastery, high productivity, and understanding of how they learn will assist them throughout their whole life in being able to not only get tasks done in a timely fashion, but also to assimilate new skills and adapt to complex situations. It is an essential skill that will transcend their grade performance, and translate into helping them fully express their potential in their future education, future career, and life. No More Anger or Self Hatred The horrible days of being scared about your child's anger lashing out at home or in public, or knowing how much inner pain they are in and not knowing what to do will once and for all be behind you. Your child will learn how to get out their anger in healthy ways, and will develop a loving and forgiving relationship with themselves. They will have a true sense of self efficiency, and have a strong foundation of self love to be able to handle the many challenges life has to offer. Learning how to end the cycles of anger or self hatred that lead to self sabotage and a poor self esteem will be the key in helping your child to have true self confidence. They will have tools and techniques to help them process these emotions, and have a healthy relationship with themselves that will give them resiliency and true inner strength. Feel Good About Themselves Your child will have a very healthy self image and self confidence that will bring true happiness into their lives. Helping your child achieve inner happiness is the main focus of the work I do. True self love is an absolute key to helping your child understand their unique differences and challenges that they face. They will have training on how foster this high level of self esteem to truly accept themselves, and feel good about who they are. You will see your child light up with passion, excitement, and joy about their lives as they will fully embrace with compassion their struggles, and celebrate with joy their unique gifts and abilities. This one skill, combined with learning how to end self hatred, is the main key that brought me out my darkest times, and enabled me to live a happy and fulfilled life. It is an inner strength that will guide them far into their future, in their education, careers, relationships, and in every aspect of their life. It is by far the most important thing they will learn from our work together. You will no longer have to worry if they can handle the challenges they face, because you will know that they have true inner strength, self love, and a strong self esteem to grow to meet what life has to offer them. Having Fun Socially Watch your child enjoy their social life, have supportive friends, and be able to really be a kid. Your child will learn how to navigate complicated social dynamics, bullying, social anxiety, relationships, and other issues that challenge their ability to enjoy their social life. You will see your child be elated when they find themselves around positive friendships, no longer scared of social situations, and have the exact techniques needed to end bullying and other unhealthy social dynamics. I know all too well, as a child who struggled with ADHD, that your child can sometimes feel like they are getting robbed of your childhood, because they spend a lot of time dealing with the issues rather than being able to hang out and play with friends. Your child will be able to deal with their unique issues in a serious way, but be able to have a vibrant social life and be a kid again. Navigating social dynamics is also a skill that will serve them throughout their life as the same issues tend to play out later in life in workplace and relationship dynamics. Your child will be equipped with the street smarts to handle themselves with other people in various situations, and to make sure to surround themselves around positive and supportive friendships in their inner circle. This is another key to reinforcing their positive self image and self confidence as they say "birds of the same feather, flock together". They will know how to find and fly with their supportive crowd, and navigate through the social challenges they face with grace, wisdom, and confidence. Family Harmony and Peace At Home Finally have peace at home, and harmony within the family to enjoy time together with out battles, conflicts, and fighting. Put an end to the days of arguments, constant punishments, and feeling like nothing you are doing as a parent is working. Your child and your family will have cultivated a state of inner peace, and understand how important it is for the mental health of everyone in the family to do their best to maintain that peace through harmony with each other. There will exist a mutual understanding of each other triggers and boundaries, and there will be respect for the rules laid out to maintain peace at home. There is no perfect family, but through this process conflicts and challenges will become more mild over time, and you and your child will be more at peace. This harmony will greatly assist your child in their self mastery, and also in making your life less stressful and more at ease. Able to Explore Passions and Interests Successfully See the sparkle in their eyes as your child has the self mastery to fully explore their talents, passions, and interests to their fullest extent. No longer will they feel frustrated or held back by their focus issues, but rather they will be able to dive deeply into one of their passions and succeed greatly. You will watch them smile as they see themselves excelling in things that light them up, and feel their joy as they are finally able to fully express their talents, their creativity, and their potential. High Self Confidence and Prepared for Their Future Your child will have cultivated an inner strength and mastery that very few in this world have. They will have gone through a journey, conquered their deepest fears, and overcame so many challenges that they will feel ready to take on life. You will sense a deep and grounded confidence from them as they are truly happy with their life, and fully accepting of who they are as a person. With this, you will know that they are ready and prepared for whatever life has to offer them, and will have joy watching them discover and unleash their potential. |
Contact Coach Tom for a plan of action to help your child overcome ADHD