Adult ADHD Coach & ADHD Children Specialist: ADD & ADHD Mastery Coach Pittsburgh, Pa
How I overcame ADHD without medication
My Story
About ADHD Coach Tom
Tom's Story
How I Overcame ADHD
Overcome ADHD Coaching
Children and Family Coaching Program
Family Results
Children and Family Success Stories
Adult Coaching Programs
ADHD Executive Coaching
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Executive Success Stories
ADHD Entrepreneur Coaching
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How to help a child with ADHD
ADHD help for Adult ADHD/ADD
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ADHD treatment in pittsburgh
#2 Coaching ROI
Step #1 - Are you Ready?
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Phone Number
Check the one that best fits you, and honesty is best
How willing are you to invest time and money into overcoming ADHD and living your dreams?
Very willing as I have the money and the time
I will invest what is needed to get me to my dreams
I want this, but I do not have the time and money
How do you view investing in yourself?
I do when it is needed to get to the next level
I wish I could more, but often times other things keep coming up
I see the value, but have a hard time making the jump
I always invest in myself and see it as necessary to grow
What is the value to you in overcoming ADHD?
It would be nice, but I am managing to get by right now
Limitless value as I know I can achieve so much if I can master myself
Overcoming ADHD will help me achieve more finanically and in my career
It will forever change my life and therefore it is priceless
It is worth what I am going to pay you
Can you commit to practicing for at least 1 hour per day?
Yeah, I can do 1 hour no problem
If it helps me overcome ADHD, then I will do 2 hours
I think I can manage 1 hour a day
That might be a little tough to find that hour
What it is that you want me to do for one hour anyway?
Are you willing to commit to regular weekly coaching for at least a few months?
I think so, let's see how it goes
I won't stop until I overcome it!
I am doing this, so absolutely
Are you willing to let go of the familiar?
I can't take this same old stuff
I want to change, but I am also a bit comfortable where I am
I definitely do, but I'm also really scared of losing people
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired
Are you willing to confront fears, limiting beliefs, and negative thinking?
Let's jump right in
Yeah, I think I am ready
I am ready, but let's go slow
Are you willing to be pushed, and guided to work hard to achieve your dreams?
I love a challenge, sign me up
I guess, but what are we talking about here?
Hard work? Pushed? Sounds like personal training?