Overcome ADHD Mastery & Entrepreneur Coaching System Package
Real People -> Real Transformation
"Tom Menditto is proving to be not only a patient teacher but is a very effective coach as well- getting through to me when no one else could! Thanks Tom. I would never have been able to find the path without you." -Janet M. "I have been working with ADHD Master Coach Tom for over a year now. Through our work together I have experienced increased focus, discipline, emotional balance and overall well being. He is a very giving coach and puts his all into what he teaches. Our work together has transformed my life and business immensely. Tom has helped me take my business to the next level two times now and we are working on further expansion at the moment. It feels incredible and empowering. When one is willing to show up and do the necessary practices, the results are remarkable." -Buddy R. "Tom is a genius in getting you to turn the road blocks into opportunity and in turning adversity into knowledge." - Andrea P. "Tom’s approach is open and organic. He speaks from a voice of knowing having gone thru all of this himself and more and has successfully come out the other side, making him a trusted resource of information. My meetings with Tom have brought insights that I can use to help with the everyday stressors that previously overwhelmed and have taught me techniques to use to stay positive and on track. He’s been a valuable resource to me in my efforts to grow and overcome some unique challenges and learn to use my creative energy as the strength that it is!" - Linda W. |
ADHD MASTERY Coaching Packages
Finding your Strategic Pathway to your Dreams
We will uncover where you are right now, where you would like to go, your main hurdles, and how to chart a pathway towards mastery! You will learn exactly what your next steps are to manifest your dreams, and you will no longer feel like you are lost without a path. You will know what you have to do! A session to help you identify if the Overcome ADHD Mastery System is the right for you!
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Program closed

Overcome ADHD Mastery Coaching System - 7 Modules
(1-on-1 Coaching with three month commitment)
1-on-1 Coaching through the 7 Module Overcome ADHD Mastery Coaching System with 3 months commitment will result in getting grounded, letting go of fears, stepping into emotional balance, and beginning mastery of focus!
Coaching Package includes:
- 60 to 90 minute weekly coaching sessions ......................($600/week value!!!)
-Video instruction of the system and tailored customized video upon
request............................................................................($200/week value!!!)
-Text/email/phone chat support..........................................($200/week value!!!)
-Goal/task management and accountability follow-up through google
documents........................................................................($200/week value!!!)
-Access to Productivity/Career Development/Entrepreneur/
Business systems training.......................................................($10,000 value!!!)
-Lifetime free membership to the Overcome ADHD online community
and coaching calls that are being built
($50-100/month fee you get free for life!) .........................($3,000 value!!!)
-Lifetime free membership to Enterpreneur Mastery Program....$20,000 Value
-Lifetime free membership to Wealth Mastery Course..................$30,000 Value
-Discounts on workshop/tele-classes and other events - Lifetime Season Tickets :-)
TOTAL VALUE........................................................................($1,000/weekly plus 53K)
TOTAL 1 year coaching 52K + 53K for lifetime access
Note: Most coaches charge $200-400 for 45 minutes, and do not include all things above! That is how the value is calculated.
However, here is my gift to you, because I know you need this now!!!
How about 70% off ??
1.) ADHD Mastery: Basic - 3 months
Apprentice Level
Grounding, Emotional Balance, & Focus Mastery
-> Self Mastery Science
Have inner peace, emotional mastery, self-discipline, focus mastery,
and a developing powerful self image
-> Power Source Science
Have powerful will power and a fire-belly drive to do what needs to be done to have Total
Freedom by having a clear vision of your dream & "Your Why", and knowing the source of
your passion that can be called upon to give you more energy to manifest what you want in
->Natural Law Science
Have more efficiency and ease in both life/career/business through the application of
natural law principles and physics.
Investment: 8,000
2.) ADHD Mastery: Advanced - 6 months
Expert Level
Grounding, Emotional Balance, Full Focus Mastery,
Self Love, Receivership, and Beginning Manifestation Training
-> Receiving and Manifesting
Powerful Self Image, Self Love, Receiving, and MANIFESTING what you want.
Living the life you want, and BEING FREE – Being You!
-> Steady Flame of Power
Have on-going stamina and drive to keep your fire lit to do what needs to be done to get
you to Total Freedom without the negative effects of Burn-Out!
-> Efficiency Natural Law
Have Total Freedom in your life by being Super Efficient through using and living in
harmony with Natural Law Efficiency Physics
Investment: 14,000
3.) Full ADHD Master: An Adept- 12 Months
Master and High Adept Level
Grounding, Emotional Balance, Full Focus Mastery,
Self Love, Receivership, Full Manifestation Training, Unlocked Gifts and Abilities,
and living in Harmony with Mastership!
Have mastery over your gifts and abilities, have the master key to unlock more,
and to reach your full potential and live your dream! .
-> Unstoppable Power
Have an 'Effortless' Unstoppable Will Power and Drive that will enable you to manifest
Total Freedom within your life without much effort through mastering mind intention and
aligning yourself with Natural Law
-> Abundance and Living Harmony
Have Abundance in all aspects of your life by taking advantage of and being in harmony
with the cycles and patterns within the markets and nature.
Investment: 24,000
Please apply and contact us for information about the program.
(1-on-1 Coaching with three month commitment)
1-on-1 Coaching through the 7 Module Overcome ADHD Mastery Coaching System with 3 months commitment will result in getting grounded, letting go of fears, stepping into emotional balance, and beginning mastery of focus!
Coaching Package includes:
- 60 to 90 minute weekly coaching sessions ......................($600/week value!!!)
-Video instruction of the system and tailored customized video upon
request............................................................................($200/week value!!!)
-Text/email/phone chat support..........................................($200/week value!!!)
-Goal/task management and accountability follow-up through google
documents........................................................................($200/week value!!!)
-Access to Productivity/Career Development/Entrepreneur/
Business systems training.......................................................($10,000 value!!!)
-Lifetime free membership to the Overcome ADHD online community
and coaching calls that are being built
($50-100/month fee you get free for life!) .........................($3,000 value!!!)
-Lifetime free membership to Enterpreneur Mastery Program....$20,000 Value
-Lifetime free membership to Wealth Mastery Course..................$30,000 Value
-Discounts on workshop/tele-classes and other events - Lifetime Season Tickets :-)
TOTAL VALUE........................................................................($1,000/weekly plus 53K)
TOTAL 1 year coaching 52K + 53K for lifetime access
Note: Most coaches charge $200-400 for 45 minutes, and do not include all things above! That is how the value is calculated.
However, here is my gift to you, because I know you need this now!!!
How about 70% off ??
1.) ADHD Mastery: Basic - 3 months
Apprentice Level
Grounding, Emotional Balance, & Focus Mastery
-> Self Mastery Science
Have inner peace, emotional mastery, self-discipline, focus mastery,
and a developing powerful self image
-> Power Source Science
Have powerful will power and a fire-belly drive to do what needs to be done to have Total
Freedom by having a clear vision of your dream & "Your Why", and knowing the source of
your passion that can be called upon to give you more energy to manifest what you want in
->Natural Law Science
Have more efficiency and ease in both life/career/business through the application of
natural law principles and physics.
Investment: 8,000
2.) ADHD Mastery: Advanced - 6 months
Expert Level
Grounding, Emotional Balance, Full Focus Mastery,
Self Love, Receivership, and Beginning Manifestation Training
-> Receiving and Manifesting
Powerful Self Image, Self Love, Receiving, and MANIFESTING what you want.
Living the life you want, and BEING FREE – Being You!
-> Steady Flame of Power
Have on-going stamina and drive to keep your fire lit to do what needs to be done to get
you to Total Freedom without the negative effects of Burn-Out!
-> Efficiency Natural Law
Have Total Freedom in your life by being Super Efficient through using and living in
harmony with Natural Law Efficiency Physics
Investment: 14,000
3.) Full ADHD Master: An Adept- 12 Months
Master and High Adept Level
Grounding, Emotional Balance, Full Focus Mastery,
Self Love, Receivership, Full Manifestation Training, Unlocked Gifts and Abilities,
and living in Harmony with Mastership!
Have mastery over your gifts and abilities, have the master key to unlock more,
and to reach your full potential and live your dream! .
-> Unstoppable Power
Have an 'Effortless' Unstoppable Will Power and Drive that will enable you to manifest
Total Freedom within your life without much effort through mastering mind intention and
aligning yourself with Natural Law
-> Abundance and Living Harmony
Have Abundance in all aspects of your life by taking advantage of and being in harmony
with the cycles and patterns within the markets and nature.
Investment: 24,000
Please apply and contact us for information about the program.